About Us

Lifelong resident of Union Parish, my family continually made sure that we knew growing up that we were to work hard and earn what we have. Fast forward, My husband and I were married for 8 years when our daughter was born. She was 4 weeks early but a healthy baby, when she was about 2 1/2 years old she had lots of stomach aches but no one could determine why, when she was 5 years old, she was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

Even with insurance, her medicine was very expensive, just one of her prescription was over $400. I knew we had to figure out a way to pay for it. I started selling Scentsy, it was new in the area and I was hoping I could earn enough money to pay for her medicine.

After a year or so I started selling some boutique items to sell with the Scentsy, Egyptian quality sheets (which I still sell, over 14 years now) and this soup.

I met the guy that made these soups and he asked me if I would be interested in trying them, I was hesitant, I love soups and I was currently selling another soup at the time in a consignment shop. I tried the soup and contacted him the next week to see when he would be at another event so I could get more. Very quickly the two of us became friends and he asked if I would be interested in selling his soups.

The rest was history, we have been eating and telling others about this soup for 12 years now. This is not your typical soup, everyone needs to make their own decision but it is the best to me and my family.

Our company name is Just for Jada, LLC, named after our daughter because she is the motivation for us doing everything we needed to do, to make sure she got the medical treatment she needed. Jada is 21 now and is doing well. We give all the glory to god!! He is the reason and we are forever blessed!